On him rests the responsibility of nuclear weaponized Libya, Iran and North Korea! The Saudi Arabia and Egypt angles have not been proven yet. On 6th February 2009, Islamabad High court declared AQK a "free man". His "house arrest" for the last 5 years is widely viewed as a neccessity for his own security. However, according AQK a "free man" status is perhaps a clear indication from Islamabad to US. An indication that Pakistan's loyalties cannot be taken for granted! Earlier, the Pakistan Foreign minister had issued a statement regarding "trust" on China. ( Where does that put US?). There have also been requests from Asif Zardari to US to do away with "drone attacks". Could the release of AQK be judged as an act of defiance by the Pakistani government? Especially because, AQK's house arrest under the Musharraf regime was seen as a tactic to assuage US woes and giving in to US pressure on AQK. There has been no direct word from officials in Islamabad on the government's interest and reactions on the release. However, "AQK" has thanked Asif Ali Zardari for lifting the restriction imposed on him. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1877608,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
While AQK had in a televised address in 2004 confessed to smuggling and stealing nuclear technology, later he had retracted his confession saying that its was forced on him, by the authorities i.e Musharraf! He had also indicated at another time, that the smuggling and stealing of nuclear weapon technology was done under the knowdge of the Pakistan authorities and there were pay offs at all levels (indicating a broader conspiracy). All said and done, Musharraf never allowed US or the IAEA to interrogate AQK.
We already have a threat note from Congressman Howard Berman,Chairman of House Committee of Foreign Relations ( a powerful Congressional committee that plays a key role in shaping US foreign policy) in terms of US assistance provided to Islamabad. In coming weeks, the House of Representatives and the Senate are likely to take up a legislation, which proposes to triple the non-military aid to Pakistan – amounting to $1.5 billion per annum for the next ten years.
The situation in the subcontinent is far from what can be called "under control". Pakistan and Afghanistan are bombs waiting to detaonate. Loyalties and stands have varied from one end to another. Pakistan for instance has made many vacillating comments on the "war against terror". Its own loyalties are split between Islamic fundamentalism and allegiance to America against economic aid to keep alive! Counting on such a state as an ally is a mistake that America can ill afford. Will Obama choose to take more direct steps to diffuse Pakistan as a crisis or will he also circumvent and procrastinate the inevitable? By inevitable i mean a joint military operation in Pakistan (may be against Pakistan's own wishes but in their interest) to free the state of its rabid fundamentalists and ensure a free democratic structure working on its own.
A detailed history of AQK and his Nuclear smuggling network: