Sunday, March 1, 2009

A system in rot

In one of my earliest blog posts in September 2008, i had debated the state of Indian roads with the Mint editor Raju Narisetti.

The debate on accountability for the bad state of infrastructure has been re kindled by the CAG report which was reported by TOI:
The report brings forth the following points
  1. MCD accepts substandard road work from contractors insteda of opting for minimum quality standards. Third party checks on 20 roads built between 2003 and 2008 reported 55% of the roads below standard.
    42 roads have been damaged during the warranty period and there have been no repairs made on to them. This was while the warranty covered all costs of repairs.

  2. 5 newly built roads made at a cost of Rs.3.18 crores were accpeted by the MCD where as third party checks by the CAG have found them to be substandard.

  3. Of 304 RWAs (resident welfare associations) surveyed 77% have reported bad roads in their colonies and 71% have said that the roads in their colonies have not been repaired even once in the last 5 years.

  4. Of the total allocation of monies for road development, MCD has routinely diverted the money to purchase of vehicles, computers, hiring of vehicles and office work constructions.

  5. Contractors delay the road work routinely, and though they should be fined for it, none of they are ever penalised courtesy MCD.

  6. On an average 87% of the total project contractual work amounts are duly paid up to the contractors, with out any completion of work.

  7. Monies collected from other agencies for road development lies sorely under utilised.

  8. MCD has been commissioning quality checks without mandatory quality checks 53% of the times.

  9. A third of MCD assets such as drainage, sewage, roads and subways are in a state of neglect.

These are just about gaping wide craters in the system, sucking up the taxpayers money and distributing it to a few pockets in the MCD and the Government machinery. While fraudsters and scamsters are tried, penalised and punished, the MCD - Government nexus which is probably a shade worse in fraud, scmas and misuse of public money go about becoming more powerful and more irresponsible and more corrupt in their ways. One would have to give the kudos to CAG to bring such facts on the table. But one needs a more wilful, accountable and "aware" governance to fight se evils of the system.