Sunday, November 30, 2008

Home Minister Shivraj Patil resigns

Shivraj Patil's resignation comes as a congress-scappegoat kind of situation to keep the media-opposition-citizenry at bay.However is resignation the just answer? For someone who has been willfully being letting easy on terror situations such as the Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur- Delhi blasts, the Mumbai attack was the last straw. But should he not be tried at the courts for failing to do his duties while at power? How many more men must dies in Bomb Blasts ( as in Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi) or in Terror Attacks(as in Mumbai) before we idenify that it is people like Shivraj Patil and there callousness to such events which result in the same destruction patterns repeated time and again.This man deserves being punished in the courts of law... or will it be his allegiance to the Gandhi clan which will over ride all national concerns yet again.Are you listeing Mrs Sonia Gandhi?